Uni-Directional Fabrics

The properties of our carbon fiber-based eUDs set engineering standards, allowing for precise control of strength and lightness in highly stressed structures across various applications.


  • Weight

    100 gsm to
    400 gsm
  • Width

    15 cm to
    254 cm
  • Fibers

    12K, 24K, 50K
    Standard Modulus,
    Intermediate Modulus,
    High Modulus and Pitch based Carbon Fiber
  • Roll length

    50lm to 300lm
  • Applications

    Automotive, Aerospace, Industrial

Contact us:
Team Composite

Germany - Heek

USA - Dover

Enhance your composite performance

Uni-directional Fabrics

Uni-directional carbon fiber fabrics offer several distinct advantages in engineering and manufacturing applications. By aligning all fibers in a single direction, they provide exceptional strength and stiffness along the intended load path, optimizing structural integrity. This targeted reinforcement reduces material waste and allows for precise customization of mechanical properties, enhancing performance while maintaining lightweight characteristics. Additionally, their uniformity and low-profile design enable seamless integration into complex shapes and structures, making them ideal for a wide range of industries, including aerospace, automotive, and sports equipment. 

The advantages of using uni-directional carbon fiber fabrics (UDs) are manifold, making them a preferred choice in various industries, particularly in aerospace engineering.

"Superb surface coverage" refers to the ability of UDs to achieve thorough and consistent coverage over surfaces, ensuring uniform reinforcement and optimal load distribution. This characteristic is critical for maintaining structural integrity and enhancing performance in demanding applications.

"Superior surface quality" indicates that UDs produce smooth and flawless surfaces, minimizing imperfections that could compromise the overall integrity of the composite material. 

"Reduced crimp" highlights the absence of crimping in unidirectional carbon fiber fabrics, ensuring that the fibers are aligned parallel to each other without waviness or distortion. This results in enhanced mechanical properties such as increased tensile strength and stiffness, contributing to the overall durability and longevity of the composite structure.

"High strength" underscores the exceptional strength-to-weight ratio of UDs, making them capable of withstanding high loads and stresses while remaining lightweight. This attribute is particularly advantageous in aerospace applications where weight reduction is crucial for fuel efficiency and overall performance.


The mention of "aerospace prepreg level" signifies that the quality and performance of these UDs meet the rigorous standards required for aerospace-grade prepreg materials. Prepregs are pre-impregnated with resin, ensuring uniform resin distribution and precise fiber placement, which are essential for achieving consistent mechanical properties and structural reliability in aerospace components.